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Substitutes, Recipes for Hard Times, And Cooking Ideas

Baking Soda - Very soon after the onset of the Civil War, baking soda became a thing of the past. Some creative person came up with the idea of using the ashes of burned corn cobs in its stead and it worked. Sweep away the ashes from the fire place and light/burn the dried corn cobs (corn removed). Put the ashes into a glass jar and cover with water. Use this as you would baking soda in your baked goods.

Sugar- Sugar was also relatively scarce and so the homemakers boiled down the juices pressed from watermelons to make syrups and even sugars. Naturally, they pickled the rinds and the seeds were saved to plant the next season..... waste not want not.

Chips- A friend introduced the idea of dehydrating zuchini chips and serving them with homemade salsas and dips. She will often "salt" them (prior to dehydrating) with powdered cheeses, season salts or herb powders also. One more idea for the ever abundant zuchini...with limitless variations. Store well for several months in gallon zip-lock bags.

Eggs- If you're one egg short in a recipe, substitute one tsp of cornstarch.

Contributed by Dona Inman,

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