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How You Can Change the Coloring of Cut Flowers

To change white carnation-type petals to green, stand the long-stemmed Flowers in water containing a green aniline dye. Other suitable aniline dyes may be used to achieve colored stripes on white Flowers.

Place Flowers over a basin of water which contains a very small amount of ammonia in a bell glass. The petals will usually change. For example, many violet-colored petals will change to green; red colors will become green, white will turn yellow and dark carmine will turn black.

Violet-colored asters can be moistened with a very mild solution of nitric acid. The ray florets will turn red and will also acquire a pleasant scent.


Keep 'em fresh longer:
A good method of prolonging the life of cut Flowers is to put a small amount of ammonium chloride, postassium nitrate, sodium carbonate or camphor in the water into which the f stems are inserted. One or more of these drugs will keep the Flowers fresh by working to oppose germ growth and stimulate the cells. This method is, however, not permanent like the borax and gel solution, described in the Drying and Preserving Flowers section.

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