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How to Make Lavender "Wands"

Lavender Wand You will need:
  • Fresh lavender buds,(before they open up into Flowers), an uneven number (at least 7 for a good wand) The more you have, the fatter the wand.
  • Your favorite color of ribbon (The amount will vary depending on the size of buds & number of them) I work with it off of the spool in order not to waste any. I usually make small wands of only 7, so I use 1/8", but you can use 1/4" as well.
  • Scissors of course (To harvest, cut ribbon, and trim stems)
Lavender buds When you cut the f you want to keep as much of the stem as possible. You can cut below the pair of leaves that appear half way down the stem but don't pick them off until you're finished. The stem is more brittle there and you need to be careful when working around this area so leaving them on keeps the area marked for you.

Hold the uneven number of Flowers together, being sure to line up the bottom buds. Take the end of the ribbon and tie the stems with a knot just below the bottom buds. Turn upside down and carefully bring the stems down over the ribbon knot and f buds. Even a fresh stem will sometimes fray some, but they usually will not break off.

Photo Tuck in the small end of the ribbon and pull out the loose end still attached to the spool. Going clockwise start weaving over and under. Proceed with caution especially if there are any frayed stems at the beginning. Once they are woven in a couple of rounds it won't bother them any more, but still be careful not to pull the stems up too far as you weave or they may bend and fray elsewhere. Also pay close attention to which stem comes next because they can become entangled as you weave,(especially curved stems). Tighten as you go again taking care. Tuck in buds.

Photo Continue to weave over and under down the stems until you have woven over all of the buds and then at least one more round. Finally tie off the ribbon in a knot. You can leave this as is with a tail hanging down or put a bow of the same color or maybe lace. Trim the stems straight across or as I prefer, on a diagonal. Keep as much or as little as you like. If you leave alot on I suggest you put another ribbon or lace bow at the bottom of the stems to keep them together.

Once you are finished you can put them in your closet, in your dresser, or for a personal touch you could place one or two in a gift box for someone that you are giving a garment to.

PhotoIf you don't grow lavender Flowers in your garden, (what a shame, plant some!), maybe your neighbor or someone you know does and you can exchange some fresh cuts for a wand in return! Have fun with some simple weaving and enjoy the long lasting scent! Contributed by Elaine,

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