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Quick Advent Calendar

  • Fabric 25" wide x 30 deep (for backing): use christmas print or plain red or green. Or, for a faster calendar, use a small red, green, or christmas print bath towel.
  • Felt: 12" x 18" in color complimentary to fabric above
  • 3-dimensional fabric paint in colour that will show up well when painted on the felt
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Piece of dowling (approx 3/8" diamenter and 3" longer than the width of the fabric (approx. 28")
  • 2' cord or ribbon
  • 25 mini candy canes
  1. If using fabric for backing, hem all edges, using 1/2" seam allowance. Fold top edge over 1" toward wrong side and stitch along the fold to create a pocket panel for the dowel hanger. If using a towel, fold top edge over toward wrong side and stich as above or glue using hot glue gun.
  2. Cut 25 stockings out of felt. You can use the stocking pattern in our Christmas pattern section. Each stocking should be approximately 2 1/4" wide by 3 1/2" tall.
  3. Number the stocking (on one side) from 1 to 25 using fabric paint. Let dry.
  4. Arrange stockings on the right side of the backing fabric in 5 rows of 5. Make sure the numbers are in sequence. Use pins to keep the stockings in place. Glue stockings to backing fabric, one at a time. Apply glue to edges of wrong side of stockings. DO NOT glue top edge. The stockings will form pockets in which to place candy canes.
  5. Insert dowel through pocket panel in backing fabric. Tie ribbon or cord to each end of dowel to form a loop for hanging.
  6. Stuff one mini candy cane in each stocking pocket.
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