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Beaded Angel Ornament

Beaded Angel Ornament You will need:
  • 28 8mm beads (dress)
  • 1 16mm bead (head)
  • 42 3X6mm beads (halo and wings)
  • 1.5 Yards 24 gauge wire


1) Find the center point of the wire. Bend wire into L shape at center.

2) Slide 7 (8mm) beads to the bend in the wire.

3) Slide 6 beads onto one end of the wire keeping them near the end. Thread other end of the wire back through the 6 beads and pull tight. Flatten out the rows as needed. (See Diagram 1) Flatten out rows as needed.

4) Slide 5 beads onto one end of the wire, push the other end through all 5 beads, and pull tight.

5) Continue adding beads using the same method until there is a row with just one bead.

6) Take the longer end of the wire and thread 17 3X6mm beads on it. Pass the through the row of 3 (8mm) beads and then thread 17 3X6mm beads on the wire and then pass it through the row of 1 (8mm) bead. (See diagram 2)

Diagram 2 7) Pass both ends through the 16mm bead.

8) Take the longer end of the wire and thread 8 3X6mm beads. Take the other end of the wire and form a hanger loop. Take both ends of the wire and wrap them around the wire just below the halo.

9) Cut off any extra wire, adjust the wings and SMILE!

Contributed by Daria Akers

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