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Christmas Tips
Christmas card recycling - Save Christmas cards and reuse them next year! Try these ideas...
Christmas wrapping paper storage - Roll tightly, and stash bits and pieces of wrapping paper into the insides of cardboard tubes - if large enough, use for wrapping small packages next year, OR cut and fold and use for package tags.
Quickly Christmas Gift/Decorating Ideas - Need something quick? Need something cheap? Check here for small (but valuable!) ideas gathered from our recycling craft pages
Formula for Fireproofing Christmas Trees
Prolong the Life of Your Tree - Saw off the bottom of the trunk 1-2 inches and use a drill to bore a narrow hole up through the middle of the trunk. Fill the hole with cotton, tightly packed. Put the base in warm water as soon as possible. Warm water will melt the sap and allow the tree to drink more easily. It's been recommended to add one of these to the water as a preservative: a few tablespoons of glycerin, or a few tablespoons of sugar, a few crushed aspirins, or use one of the pre made"tree preserve" mixtures.
Make Your Own Christmas Tree Snow
Preserving Holly Leaves and Berries
Christmas light storage - Wrap your lights around a paper towel tube to store them for next year. They won't tangle up as easily!
Christmas ornament/decoration storage - Line egg carton cups with cotton, foam, or tissue paper and store small Christmas tree bulbs and ornaments in each cup
Christmas Flower Arrangements - Christmas flowers stay fresher longer if you keep them in cool water and recut the stems after a couple of days.
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