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Clothespin Christmas Ornaments

Kid Project!These ornaments are easy for kids to do and they make great gifts. They can be decorated just about any way you can think of, just your imagination.
Angel ornamentMaterials:
  • Old fashioned round head clothespins
  • 3-4" doily, fabric scraps or felt
  • Black felt pen (to draw faces)
  • Fabric stiffener (optional)
  • Craft/white glue
  • Optional decorations: ribbon, floss, cording, lace, acrylic paint

Babushka The babushka ornament at left is simply a 5-6" circle of red felt covered by a 4" diameter doily. Cut a + in the center of each and slide over the head of the clothespin. You might want to put a dab of glue near the neck to hold the skirt in place.

Draw a face on the head with a sharp pointed black felt pen. For hair, you can either draw it on, or glue on yarn, floss, thread, or narrow cording. The scarf and headdress are fabric scraps - the scarf is a triangle, secured with a dab of glue on the head and a dab of glue holding it together in the front.
Wise man and babushkaScraps of material, felt, yarn, etc. are ideal for these ornaments, although you can just paint them also.

Only one word of advice, make the skirt fairly loose, since the bottom of the clothespin will have to fit over a Christmas tree branch, and you want the skirts to be able to flow over the branch, not just hike up.

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