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Easy Kitchen Magnets

You will need:
  • Lightweight cardboard
  • Colored felt or construction paper
  • A small photo (school photos work well)
  • White glue
  • Small magnet or sticky-back magnetic backing (buy in rolls at craft stores)
Cut 2 identical shapes out of the cardboard: circle, square, oval, etc. for the frame.

Cut a hole out of the center of one of the pieces of cardboard. This will be the front of your frame. The hole should be large enough that the child's face will show through, but not the edges of the photo.

Decorate the front with colored felt or construction paper - one idea would be to create a mosaic effect by cutting out small triangles, squares, etc. and glueing them on the cardboard. If you can't afford felt, just use material scraps, or buttons, or anything cute and colorful.

Glue the photo onto the back of the cardboard so the picture shows through. Glue the frame front piece onto the back.

Attach the magnet or magnetic strip. I got the kind w/ self-adhesive, if you don't have that kind, just use regular glue.

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