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Bird Cage Card Holder

Get an old bird cage from a rummage or garage sale and take the plastic bottom off. Cover a piece of cardboard with satin for the bottom. Wired the bottom grate to the bottom of the cage.

Then measure the sides so you know how much ribbon you need to go around it. Weave the ribbon in and out of the bars of the cage. (Make sure you weave the ribbon so the door can be opened to get the cards out.)

Make a bow for the top, or go to your local craft store and have them make a bow with tails for the top. Add fs (you can use silk fs, or use fs left over from the bouquets) and lace and birds. You can cut out an extra wire on the top and paint an outline with nail polish for slots. (I didn't think that was necessary, but other people did.) Decorate however you like.

Contributed by Gloria,

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