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Pressed Flower Seed Packet

The possibilities for these are limitless!
Slip a note inside for a special friend, attach to a gift bag, or tuck in a plant for a hostess gift.

  • Share seeds you've gathered from you personal garden
  • Use them for invitations to a garden party,
  • Tea party or bridal shower
  • Tuck them into a small basket or clay pot and add some cute garden gloves for a fun centerpiece
  • Fill them with small candies and label them "Seeds of Friendship" or "Seeds of Kindness."
  • Attach them to a string of raffia for a summer wall hanging,
  • Display them with your garden collectibles
  • Fill them with potpourri or bath salts
  • Slip a couple tea bags inside and invite a friend for a chat

Okay, I'll stop, but you don't have too. I'm sure you can think of great ways to use these floral envelopes.

Pressing Flowers


  • JoSonja All Purpose Sealer
  • Matte varnish
  • Glue sticks
  • Watercolor paper

There are wonderful flower presses available and if you have one, by all means use it. I simply use a big book and stack a couple more on top.

Depending on the type of flowers and the weather, these will take 10 days to 2 weeks to dry. Pick flowers in the cool of the day after any moisture has evaporated.

Use any kind of "flat-ish" flowers, weeds, or leaves. Pansies and Violas are among my favorites. Make sure you dry some greens too. (Pressed clovers "Seeds of Good Fortune" make a fun Good Luck card.) Pick more than you think you need because some of them won't dry the way you want them to.

When you have your collection of flowers, get a big book (thick and heavy) If you don't have anything else, an old phone book works. Open the book toward the back. Slide in a piece of plain white paper. Arrange the flowers without touching on the paper. Gently lay another piece of paper over the top. Carefully close the book. If you have more flowers, repeat in a different part of the book. Stack 2 more large books or heavy objects on top and set aside for 10 days to 2 weeks.

Making the Envelope

I cut my envelopes from lightweight watercolor paper or parchment. Any quality paper should work.

Simply cut out on solid lines and fold around the center blue section. Glue back center seam where it overlaps and the bottom flap. I use a glue stick, but any glue should work. (Be careful not to glue the envelope closed.)

Arrange flowers to your liking on the front of the envelope. Handle dried flowers carefully. Gently apply JoSonja's All Purpose Sealer to the back of the flowers with a soft paint brush and press onto the seed packet. You can use tacky glue, but they are thicker and can break the flowers. Tuck your note or goodies inside.

If you will be using this in a display, or if it will be handled frequently, you may want to spray a couple coats of matte varnish over them.

Have Fun!

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