Wallpaper samples or calendar pictures make great envelopes. The black or darkest paper samples look wonderful with
the trim of lace - very Victorian!
You will need:
- Wallpaper sheets / samples OR
- Old calendar pictures
- Craft glue
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Lace, applique decorations, etc.
You can take apart any envelope and use it as a template or pattern, but I find that a plain, straight sided envelope makes better use of the smaller wallpaper sheets. I'll give measurements that fit the sizes I used for the letter cards:
Insert card, fold down flap and seal with glue. Trim flap edge with a strip of glued on lace. Securely glue on an applique "seal" at center.
Affix a plain label to front for addressing.
Note: Self-adhesive stamps adhere well on all types of paper. If you have regular "lick" stamps, use glue to adhere them to the envelope.
Contributed by Raven * Norejko, ravenz2@telenet.net |