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Frisbie Bird Feeder

2 old throwing saucers(Frisbies),
1 empty 1 quart size mayonaise jar
1 short piece of 1" dowel 1/2" long
1 coffee mug hook
1 round head screw #8 x 1
hot glue gun
compass (for drawing circles)
exacto knife
  1. Start by drawing a 3" circle in the center of the saucer you choose for the top
  2. Cut out the 3" circle and remove the piece
  3. drill a 1/16" pilot hole in the center of the bottom of the sauce and the mayo jar
  4. drill the same pilot hole in the center of the dowel and the jar cover
  5. Cut 4 hole 3/4" diameter in the side of the jar at the very bottom as shown in attached drawing that also shows how the pieces are assembled
  6. With the #8 screw attach the bottom saucer to the bottom of the mayo jar
  7. apply a bead of hot glue completely around the joint of the jar and saucer
  8. Set the top saucer over the top of the mayo jar and hot glue the 2 together as shown in the drawing
  9. Screw the coffee mug hook through the top of the jar cover and into the center of the dowel and tighten

Fill the jar with bird seed, screw the jar cover on the mayo jar, hang the feeder and watch the birds

Craft submited by Leland Young of

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