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Things you can do with wire hangers

Don't throw away your old hangers. Try some of these ideas to recycle or re-use them.
Kid Project! = Kid Tested!
Holiday Candy Wreaths - Use old hangers to make candy wreaths for Christmas or other holiday. Take the hanger and stretch it into an appropriate shape (circle for x-mas, heart for valentines, 4 leaf clover for St. Pat's) and tie wrapped candy pieces on with ribbon or string. I use recycled ribbon from gifts. If possible, attach a small pair of children's scissors to cut off candy. If your recipient just unwraps each piece, they will have a decorative wreath even after the candy is gone. Contributed by Christine,

Dream Catcher - Just bend hanger in circle, wrap with ribbon, make web by overlapping ribbon with yarn, add beads or feathers if wanted. Add fringe by tying on longer pieces of yarn at bottom and adding feathers and/or beads. Contributed by D Shover,

Halloween decorations - Make a ghost for your yard. Easy instructions here...

Christmas decorations - Using wire cutters and pliers, bend and shape wire into a variety of shapes to hang on your tree. Decorate with glitter, ribbon, fabric, etc.

Wreath backing - Shape into a circle and attach holly or evergreen branches to it. Add colorful bows and hang on walls or on doors.

Plant hanger - Straighten hanger, then wrap around a 6-8" pot just below the lip. Twist it back on itself to secure, then hang the plant.

Hotdog or marshmallow stick Kid Project!
We never went camping without a couple of hangers. Straighten hanger, fold one end double for a stronger gripping end. Skewer your dog or mallow on the straight end and cook away.

Bubble maker Kid Project!
Makes extra big bubbles. Mix one part dishwashing liquid to two parts water in a large tub or bucket. Stretch hanger out to make a large hoop with a handle. Dip hanger into bubble stuff and wave gently in the air.

Halloween costumes - Cut and shape hangers into all kinds of unique add-ons for your Halloween costumes. Wings, halo, horns, etc are just a few of the things you can shape and cover with fabric or tin foil.

Soldering iron or hot glue gun rest - Fold hanger in half (bend at center and hook). Then bend corners outward/downward, 3 inches in. Finished it should look like an M and will hold your soldering iron or hot glue gun while you work.

Make a frame for making your own recycled paper - Instructions

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