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Things you can do with old Breyer's ice cream containers

Don't throw away those ice cream containers!
I had started a quarter collection in one since it's a sturdy container, and very colourful, by sliting a narrow hole on the lid for dropping in the coins. I saved up to 80! Contributed by

Thanks to Barb Malachuk,, for these ideas:
Wash well, let dry. Base paint a light color then stencil (or if you are talented paint) on scene or design of your choice. You can use this as a base to...

Make an artifical floral arrangement.

Line it with plastic and put live flowers in it.

Use as a basket to put in some homemade bath items (milk bath in jar, homemade soap, homemade wash puff,and maybe a candle!!)

For a little different look put 2 holes in each of the smaller sides and add handles (use ribbon, twine, or thinner weight wire)

Haven't tried this myself yet but how about covering with fabric inside & out, including the lid, and then add your favorite pics from the year inside.

Thanks to Summerset Banks,, for these ideas:

Wash them out and use them to organize small things, like children's toys, crayons or craft stuff. They can even be painted to match your decor.

Wash them out and shellac them, then punch two holes in the side and attach cording (the thick kind used for upholstery) to make a handle/strap. Small link chain from the hardware store could also be used for a strap. Children or the fashion conscious can use them as a purse.

Wash them out and use them for seed starters.

Wash them out, paint them, glue the lids on and give them to the children for building blocks.

Wash one out, poke holes in the top and then thread string or ribbons through the top to make a ribbon organizer. You could even glue in cardboard dividers to separate balls of string or ribbon reels.

I also reuse those plastic baby wipe containers for storage of small items. (I buy the wipes by the case, but still get a new container every time!) The baby wipe containers can also be painted and used as building blocks.

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