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Things you can do with Milk Cartons

Don't throw away your old milk cartons. Try some of these ideas to recycle or re-use the containers.
Kid Project!= Kid Tested!
* Plant containers or seed starters Kid Project!
Cut off at the top and poke a few holes in the bottom for drainage. Fill about 3/4 with potting soil and vermiculite. Plant seeds and set in a sunny window.

* Beverage cooler - Better than a bucket of ice! Cut off the top of the carton. Place glass container of liquid, such as lemonade, punch, vodka, whatever, and fill the carton with water. Place in the freezer until the water is completely frozen. If you want a nicer look, peel off the carton and wrap the ice in a towel to serve the beverage.

* Make a bird feeder Kid Project!
Combine melted suet and birdseed. Pour into an old milk carton and insert a loop of string into the mixture. After the mixture hardens, tear away the carton and hang it from a branch.

* Candle molds - Instructions here.

* Cheap air conditioner / cooler - Wash and fill container with water. Place in freezer until water is completely frozen. Place in front of a fan to blow cool air. Place in small animal hutches to keep your small pets cool, or in doghouses to keep your dog cool.

* Toe guard - Cut off top and place upside down over tent pegs so you don't bash your toes on them in the night.

* Plant guard - Cut off bottom and top and place in ground around young plants to keep away grubs and cutworms.

* Quicky dustpan - Cut off the front and bottom of the carton. Slice the sides at an angle to sweep dirt in easily.

* Homemade blocks Kid Project!
Wash, and remove the spout end. Cut slits at each corner to make four flaps. Fold flaps in and tape in place. If well-sealed, you can fill them with sand or beans for added weight and really annoying noise (:)). Decorate with construction paper, glue, beads, buttons, anything you have on hand.

* Paint can - Cut off carton halfway down and use to mix paint, or just carry small amounts of paint with you.

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