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Things you can do with old plastic pop bottles

Don't throw away your old plastic pop bottles. Try some of these ideas to recycle or re-use them.
No-Bending-Required Door Stop - I cut an old soda bottle in half. I put a hole in the middle of the cap and secured the "stick" from some old blinds in it (a dowel will work), this is the handle. I then weighted (not too heavy, you need to be able to lift it!)the bottom and glued the top back on. The bottle stands up with the "handle" sticking out the top. To decorate it I "wrapped" it in satin and lace and secured it with some decorative cording and roses. The "handle" sticks up to almost door knob level and my husband really likes the fact that he can stop the door open easily (I like the way it looks!) Contributed by Terri Poore

Ice Packs - I use a large pop bottle (2-litre) and fill it with water about 2/3 full then freeze it. That way I always have ice packs on hands. (Bonus: when the ice packs start to melt, I have clean and ice cold water to drink). Using small size pop bottles (250 mL, 300 mL, 350 mL, etc.), I fill them about 1/2 with water and freeze. The next day, I fill with fresh tap water or juice. That way, my son gets cold drinks for the day without having to bring bulky ice packs in his lunch box: one half for the morning recess and the other half for the afternonn recess. Contributed by Lynne

Potpourri Holder - Cut the bottom from the bottle. Fill with pot pourri and cover the open part with curtain lace and glue to the outside of the bottle. Cover the raw edges of the curtain lace with either ribbon or lace. Contributed by Boston,

M&M lolly jar - Cut the middle from the bottle and keep the top and bottom. Rejoin these (with hot glue). Glue lace or ribbon or both to cover the join. Paint the lid or decorate with lace or ribbon. Contributed by Boston,

Plastic Butterfly - Make a stencil using a piece of cardboard in the shape of a butterfly, about 4x4inch or so. You trace the butterfly out onto the bottle and then you can cut it out. Down the center of the butterfly you can bend it, so it has its arches. You then can paint/design the butterfly in any colour of your choice. To stick them up, you can use putty. Contributed by

Ocean in a Bottle - Take 1/2 bottle of oil, half water. Add food coloring and glitter. It is pretty cool, and works well with smaller bottles for babies to play with. Contributed by Starr,

Substitue Funnel - Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle. Turn the bottle upside down and voila! a handy funnel to use for putting oil in your car, or filling jugs, etc.

Substitute for Sand Bags - If you've ever used sand bags for weight in the winter you know they can be very messy when they break or just a plain hassle to move around. Put the sand in 2 liter bottles (must be dry not frozen).These are easily moved and in extreme weather when stuck on a slick spot I just grab a bottle and sprinkle sand under the tires, I'm on my way in seconds. Contributed by Belinda C.,

Bathtup Submarine - Cut three lines in a shape like this, |_| as a door and put your little action figures in a go for a swim. Contributed by

Small thingee holder - Cut the top off 2 litre bottles so they stand 6-8 inches tall. With a small screw and washer, screw them to a 1x4" board. Screw that board onto the wall in your workshop to hold a wide variety of tools. Contributed by Dave Sturby,

Slalom Course - Fill up partially with sand, and make a slalom course for your skateboarders, inliners, or for a bike rodeo. Contributed by Dave Sturby,

Spray Pumps - Some bottles can be fitted with a spray pump (ala windex) to spray a dilute latex paint mix. Good for small projects , clean nozzle with clear water and re-use. Contributed by Dave Sturby,

Water balloon filler - Contributed by Dave Sturby,

Wind Socks - Cut top and bottom off 2-liter bottle to have a perfect cylinder. Punch 4 holes (with a hole punch) spaced evenly on top. Tie a 12 inch piece of fishing line to each hole. Attach all four to a large swivel snap used in fishing. Sand the bottle and paint with paints any design you wish. When dry, punch holes every inch around the bottom. Tie a 3 foot piece of ribbon in each hole. Vary your colors or make them all the same. Hang up and enjoy. Contributed by Cathy Williams,

Pop Bottle Snowman - Instructions here. Kid Project!

Yarn Holder - Keep yarn from getting tangled when knitting or crocheting. Cut off bottom of bottle and insert yarn, pulling strand through top opening then tape bottom back on. This will keep your yarn from rolling across the room on you and your cat from playing with it.

Plant / Seed starter - Cut off bottom fill with soil, add seed and water. Reattach the top of the bottle (with the cap on) using tape. Keep in a warm place and wait for seeds to germinate. When your seedlings are tall enough, transplant in a larger pot or in your garden.

Decorative Containers - Cut off the tops of two bottles (keep the bottoms). Paint, decoupage, or cover with fabric. Make a hinge out of ribbon or make a small holes and wire the bottoms of two bottles together. This will give you a container that will open. For a handle, glue on a bead, button, or a piece of ribbon. Fill will small gifts, jewelry, candy, etc.

Make a Bank - Paint or cover with fabric. Cut a small slit in the top so you can drop the coins in. (You'll have to cut the bottle open to remove the coins, unless you want to cut a three-sided doorway in the back or bottom.)

Make a Doorstop - Paint and fill with sand or gravel. Glue strips of narrow wood to the sides so it won't roll away.

Plant Waterer - Remove the cap and the bottom of the bottle. Turn the bottle upside down, and set the spout into the ground or pot. Fill with water and this will allow your plants to be watered when you are going to be away for a few days.

Make plastic shapes - Take a clear bottle and draw the shape of a butterfly or bird, or any small animal. Cut around the shape, sand and paint with acrylic paint.

Make a Mobile - Cut out shapes (see above) and poke a small hole in the top. Poke a piece of string or yarn through the hole and tie a knot. Attach the other end of the string to a hanger and hang from the ceiling or ceiling fan.

Plant Decorations - Cut out shapes (see above) and attach to a piece of dowel with glue. Poke into the soil of your potted plants or in the garden for yard decorations.

Pop Bottle Bird Feeder - Sand and paint the bottle. Poke 4 holes in the top of the bottle, just below the lid. Insert two long pieces of wire - the wires will form a X. Attach the ends of the wire to a plastic lid by poking holes in the rim and twisting the wire through. Poke two more holes in the bottom of the bottle, on opposite sides. String another piece of wire or string through these holes to hang the feeder. Fill the bottle with the seed and hang it from a tree. (NOTE: You might be able to find a kit at K-Mart, Target, or your garden center that contains the adapter to convert bottle to bird feeders. Usually quite cheap!)

Make a Bird House - Turn the bottle on its side. Cut little windows/doors high up on the sides. Paint or cover the bottle with fabric. Hang from tree branches for birds to nest in.

Make a Whirligig - from the Science Museum of Minnesota's Thinking Fountain

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