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Holiday Shadow Applique with Puffy Foam
Achieve a unique, raised colorful shadow effect in your appliqué. |
- Zig-zag Sewing Machine
- Sulky Decorative Thread
- Sulky Heat-Away Stabilizer
- Fabric - Amt. depends on bottle
- 1/4 yd. Poly-fil Low Loft Batting
- Iron and Pressing Pad & Cloth
- Santa Head & Hands
- A Ball of Bumpy Natural Yarn
- 1/8 yd. Fake Fur 60" wide to trim Hat, Gown and Sleeves
- String, Safety Pin or Bodkin
- Vanishing or Chalk Marker
Here's How to do it!
- Using a 1/4" seam allowance and matching sewing thread, sew the two 3-1/2" x 12-1/2" printed strips onto two opposite edges of the 12-1/2" square. Then sew the two 3-1/2" x 18-1/2" strips onto the other two opposite sides to make an 18-1/2" square
Lightly spray the pattern with KK 2000 and center the Poinsettia design under the 18-1/2" square; trace it onto the fabric with an air erasable pen.
Spray KK 2000 onto a piece of Green Puffy Foam that is 1" larger all around than one set of leaves; adhere it under the design on the underside of the 18-1/2"
- Thread both top and bobbin with Wash-a-way Basting Thread. Set up machine for a free-motion straight stitch using a darning foot and #90 jeans needle (use of hoop is optional) or, if you prefer to use a machine-fed straight stitch, use an open-toe appliqué foot and a very short stitch
Free-motion stitch (or straight stitch) only around the entire outside edge of the leaves, moving slowly and keeping the stitches very close together to perforate
the Puffy Foam. Turn the piece over and, using small scissors, clip and pull away the Puffy Foam from around the outside edges of the design, leaving all of the foam on the inside of the design.
Spray KK 2000 on a full 6" x 9" sheet of Red Puffy Foam and place it under as much of the petal design area as you can. Where the red overlaps the green,
stitch in a line between the two colors and also around the remaining outside edge of the petals. Since the overall design is larger than the 6" x 9" foam, stitch the inside line that separates the 3 petals (that don't have foam under them) from the rest of the Poinsettia. Trace these
three petals onto Solvy which is adhered to the pattern with KK 2000. Peel off the Solvy pattern, readhere it to another piece of Red Puffy Foam and cut out the 3 petals as one piece. Spray KK 2000 onto the Red cutout petals and adhere them in place under the design; stitch entirely around their
outside edge. Spray KK 2000 on another piece of green Puffy and adhere it under the other set of leaves; stitch entiely around the outside edge and remove any excess Puffy.
- Layer by putting the pattern piece with Puffy on top, then one layer of 18" thin cotton batting, and one layer of 18" thin cotton; spray each layer with KK 2000 and smooth it onto the next layer. thread machine with Sulky 40 wt. Rayon thread on top in a color to match the Puffy foam;
use Sulky bobbin Thread in the bobbin. Free-motion straight stitch around all inside and outside lines of the entire design to sew all the layers together, to sandwich the foam in place, and prevent shifting.
Free-motion stipple quilt around the entire area outside of the pattern to cover the 12" square, stitch down the batting, create more dimension and slightly
raise the Puffy Foam. Straight stitch around the edges of the 12" square. finish the pillow by adding cording and the back piece with a 1/4" seam allowance.

Click on individual pattern pieces for full size Images that fit on 81/2 by 11 paper |
Original craft can be found at www.sulky.com
Re-printed with permission from Sulky® of America |